This thing called Personal branding — John The Baptist Case Study
John 1:6–8 — New Century Version (NCV)
“There was a man named John who was sent by God. He came to tell people the truth about the Light so that through him all people could hear about the Light and believe. John was not the Light, but he came to tell people the truth about the Light.”
Do you realize that the Bible has information on personal branding? So many instances.
John the Baptist as a case study knew who he was. He “came as a witness, to testify about the Light.” He knew his assignment — the message; what he had to deliver.
We often miss out on opportunities and impact in life because we don’t know who we are, whose we are, our purpose, identity, or what we’re supposed to be doing with the gift of life that God has given us. And that’s also OK, but this is a reminder to get started immediately. You can’t afford to play SMALL.
Perhaps you doubt whether anyone would pay attention to you? Hear me out: If you don’t start, you won’t know.
John The Baptist was aware of his assignment’s location. He preached in Jude’s wilderness. It didn’t matter if John the Baptist had a “unique dress style.” He ate “abnormal food.” It didn’t make a difference. People traveled from all over the world to hear him speak.
John the Baptist made a name for himself. He didn’t sit back down on it.
John the Baptist was who God said he was, and he followed the road that God had laid out for him. John the Baptist was his title. That “title” was his. He owned it.
Who are you? What did God say about you? What do you believe? But you know what? I’m here to remind you that there’s power in your name. Find your voice Use it to your advantage.
Own who you are (your brand ). Own your throne. Believe in your name. With your name, you’ll stand before kings and queens.
YOUR NAME CARRIES WEIGHT! ask John the Baptist, LOL!