In a recent session, a lady asked, “How can I own my Identity with my personal brand?” I reacted and decided to share this with her.
Personal branding extends beyond what you do. It’s about the unique you, and it’s how you communicate who you are to others.
However, we frequently forget that our “personality” (identity) dictates what we want people to remember us for or what they think of us (your brand). We overlook how important it is to have and manage a brand.
@debolalagos is an example of “owning your identity.” What have you observed? “THE WAY HE DRESSES, WITH THE RED CAP AND WHITE KAFTAN.” That is how you take control of your identity. Owning your identity through your personal brand is how you want others to perceive you.
Your identity should be reflective in your lifestyle outside the business environment as you never can tell where the clients might meet you.
You must be aware of your personal brand and identity. People are influenced by your personal brand to do the right or bad thing. Purchase decisions are influenced by your own brand. Your Personal Brand allows you to sit at the table with kings and queens. It should reflect in everything you do, how you speak in public, your dress sense, social media communications, and business relationships.
WHAT DO YOU WANT THEM TO THINK OF YOU? Build your identity around it and own it for the rest of your life.
This is as straightforward as it gets.