⚠️ Warning: Trigger artworks on Domestic Violence
Stories are a huge part of our lives; you can tell them in any form you wish — more importantly, a story that is relatable, maybe due to an experience or what you have seen.
When I started out designing years ago (and still do), I loved to tell stories with it. Hence, I love it when artists come to me and tell me they want me to handle their album covers, and I make sure they tell me the stories and ideas behind their art. With this, it is easier to interpret their art in digital form. That’s what artists do: tell stories that hit you emotionally.
One of the stories I would love to tell and show at different art exhibitions around the world is “The Painful Odyssey of African Women.” I titled it “IRORA,” meaning “pain” in Yoruba.
I’ve seen and heard enough stories that really break my heart, and you wish you could put a stop to them. We need to continue educating people about why this needs to stop. Women need to leave when they see the signs, regardless of what society thinks. It really hurts when you see loved ones go through this, and the next minute you realize they’re gone.
IRORA as a series art project is a project I’ve always wanted to exhibit since 2016. But right now, I’m fully committed to making this project more realistic.
I’m hoping when it’s showing live at the art galleries, you’ll come around and experience thought-provoking storytelling.
Till then, these are just two artworks from my series, IRORA.